Parkour Wiki

What is PoP Vault?

PoP vault is most efficient way of getting up on high walls from 1,5 Meters up to 3 or 4!!! You use it to quickly get away from some one chasing you for example Security or Thief. you can quickly loose them. you can evolve it to: Turn Vault, Precision, Parkour Roll, Safety Vault or Monkey Vault. you can find out there many techniques but i found the most easy, efficient and quick to learn.

Speed vault


  1. Run towards the wall you want to jump over/on top of.
  2. Ca. one big step away from wall jump towards the wall with your left leg.
  3. Than when you jumped your legs should perform angle of Ca. 90 Degrees.
  4. Place your right leg on a wall like on image on the left.
  5. Jump up by turning you Momentum Upwards and i the same moment place both of your hands on obstacle and QUICKLY pull yourself up so you will fly up and you have enough tim to decide what to do next.

Tutorials Comming Soon...
